Friday, September 17, 2010


MUSIC Grade 1, 2,and 3
A. Extent of Accomplishment / Coverage of Objectives and Content

·         All the subject matter are covered for the first quarter.
·          In terms of the objective set for the topics covered, 95-100%was attained as reflected in the results in their written and practical outputs specifically quizzes seatworks,practical test and musical presentations.

B.Effectiveness of Methodology / Strategies Used to carry Out Instruction
  • Lecture – Discussion was the major methodology used in the 1st half of the lesson followed by application or performances.
  • Musical Presentation was performed at the end of the quarter based on the topic tackled.
MUSIC Grade 1
 - Identify the different sources of sounds.
-  Illustrate the beats through symbols and movements.
-  Sing and imitate sounds in the environment.
-  Read the beats using long and short sounds.
-  Clap or tap the rhythmic patterns of long and short sounds.
-  Play and handle some musical instruments properly.
-   Showcase their talents through musical presentation.
     MUSIC Grade 2
       - Listen keenly to the sounds of different musical instruments.
       -  Sing songs about musical instruments .
-   Play tuned and untuned instruments properly.
-   Identify the names of different kinds of notes and rests
-  Interpret rhythm using body movements .
-   Showcase their talents through musical presentation.

      MUSIC Grade 3
      - Draw different musical signs and symbols correctly.
       -  Singing the letter names .
       -  Singing syllable names while doing the Kodaly hand signs.
-   Read the notes correctly using syllable names
-   Draw the notes correctly on the staff.
-   Showcase their talents through musical presentation.

C. Innovations
  • New rubric for the practical test and musical presentation were prepared.
  • Use of online resources like the you tube for the music.
  • Integrating nature to music like going out of the classroom to listen to the different sounds.
D. Strengths and weaknesses of the program
  • Strength: Good listening skills evident, they were able to sing alone and with others,   Listen to, analyze, and describe music. Perform on instruments, alone and with others. Evaluate music and music performances. Apply Vocal and Instrumental Skills.
  • Weakness: Students did not read, notate, listen to, analyze, and describe music and other aural information, using the terminology of music.
  • Cannot accommodate the grade 1 students for their individual musical presentation because of the number of student’s and the Linngo ng wika rehearsals.
A. Extent of mastery of skills and concepts
  • The way the students react and participate on the activities especially the practical and musical presentation was commendable. They did not show any less interest on the topic and self confidence were boost during the performances.
  • Elements of Music Skills ( 5 as the highest; 1 as the lowest)
Grade 1


Grade 2


Grade 3


B. Level of Development of Values and Attitudes
  • Grade 1 students are very shy during performances in music, some even cry but some of them showed their talents in music and was amazing.

C. Performance in practical and Musical presentations

Year and Section
Percentage Passing in

Musical Presentation
1 Almaciga
      2 Apitong
      2 Agoho
      3 Banaba
      3 Bagtikan

D. Number of Failures for the First Quarter
Three to four topics per quarter are advisable for music class that can be finish on time and can be teach without omitting anything from the topic.
Prepared by:
Mrs. Marlyvic P. Suavillo
    Music Teacher

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Grade 4 week 9 and 10

Lesson Plan in Music

Grade 4

Week 9 and 10

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able:

A. To define the time signature and explain the function of the lower and upper number.

B. To identify the correct time signature of a particular piece of music.

C. To supply the correct note or rest according to the given time signature.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Time Signature

B. Materials:

B.1 Notation and lyrics of “Red River Valley” by unknown

B.2 Lyrics of Bahay Kubo

B.3 Keyboards

B.4 Visual aids of rhythmic patterns

C. Reference: Apilado Victonette, Paras Ma. Cecilia, Agno Francis (2009)

Philippines: Shine with MAPE4

Jo-Es Publishing House, Inc.

pp. 24 - 30

III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2 Review the previous lesson which is meter. Tell the pupils that in their previous lesson, they have learned that the beats flow in 2s, 3s, and 4s .

A.3 Teach the song “Red River Valley” by rote method.

B. Interaction:

B.1 Ask: Looking at the musical notation of Red river valley, what musical symbol comes after the clef?

B.2 Let the pupils give example of different time signatures.

B.3 Explain to them the function of the upper and lower number on a time signature.

C. Integration

C.1 Complete the measures by adding the correct note and rest according to the given time signature.

C.2 Sing the song “Bahay Kubo” a folksong, using different time signature.

D. Evaluation

Divide the music into measures of equal number of beats, according to the given time signature.

E. Wrapping Up

E.1 Ask the pupils:

-What is time signature?

-How important is it to music?

F. Assignment

What are pitch names and syllable names in music?

Grade 7 and 8

Lesson Plan in Music

Intermediate Level

Week 7 and 8

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able:

A. To showcase their talents through musical presentation.

B. To have a musical performance with their classmates and with audiences.

C.To retain and enhance their own, individual love of music.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Musical Presentation

B. Materials:

B.1 Musical Instruments

B.2 Microphones

B.3 Rubrics for musical presentation

C. Reference:

III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2 Do’s and don’ts during the perfrromance.

B. Motivation:

B.1 Words of encouragement

B.2 The teacher will do a sample performance.

C. Musical Presentation

Performances of the students.

D. Evaluation

Rubrics for singing and playing of musical instruments:

Musicianship - expressive elements, interpretation, dynamics - 25 pts

Articulation and Diction- accuracy and fluency of attacks and releases (instrumental), accuracy of pronunciation and releases (vocal) – 25 pts.

Tone Quality - resonance, control, clarity, focus, consistency, warmth, breathing and support -25 pts.

Rhythm - accuracy of values, duration, pulse, steadiness, meter – 25 pts.

Rubrics for dancing:

Knowledge movement/choreography – 25 pts.

Ability to execute the movements. Correct placement of hands, feet, legs.

Rhythm/Tempo – 25 pts.

Ability to stay in time with the music

Shows Energy/Attitude – 25 pts.

Involvement in the emotion or mood dance. (e.g. connecting with music instead of going through the motions.

Creativity and interpretation – 25 pts.

Ability to incorporate creative costumes and music that goes in accordance with the theme selection.

E. Wrapping Up

Ask: Did you enjoy the performance?

What is your favorite performance?

Grade 4 week 6 and 7

Lesson Plan in Music

Grade 4

Week 6 n 7

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able:

A. To define meter.

B. To differentiate meters: duple, triple, and quadruple.

C. To identify the meter of the music they listen to.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Meter

B. Materials:

B.1 Recordings of the following songs:

Lupang Hinirang by Julian Felipe


Cavite Hymn

B.2 Records of song with different meter

B.3Visual Aids/Laptop

C. Reference: Apilado Victonette, Paras Ma. Cecilia, Agno Francis 2009

Philippines: Shine with MAPE4

Jo-Es Publishing House, Inc.

pp. 16-23

III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2 Ask the pupils to listen to “Lupang Hinirang”, CALABARZON hymn, and Cavite Hymn. Respond to the beat by nodding their head or tapping.

A.3 Ask the pupils if they feel the flow of the beat?

- Did you notice that the beats flow in 2’s, 3’s and 4s?.

A.4 Tell the pupils that the beats in music are organized in such a way that it follows a certain pattern of strong and weak beats.

B. Interaction:

B.1 Discuss the concept of meter. Meter is a pattern of beats in twos, threes, and fours. It is the flow of the beats in 2s, 3s, and 4s.

B.2 Let the pupils listen to song examples and identify the meter as duple, triple, and quadruple.

B.3Introduce the symbol bar line, measure and double bar line.

C. Integration

C.1 Divide the given patterns into equal number of beats according to the correct meter.

C.2 Recall and sing each of the following songs and identify the meter as duple, triple, or quadruple.

- Lupang Hinirang

- Paruparong Bukid

-It’s a small world

D. Evaluation

Listen to each of the following musical excerpts to be given by the teacher and identify the meter as duple, triple, and quadruple.

1. It’s a small world ________________

2. Leron leron Sinta ________________

3. Liguorian Hymn ________________

4. Edelweiss ______________

5. Getting to know you _________

E. Wrapping Up

E.1 Ask the pupils:

-What is a meter?

-What are the different meters?

F. Assignment

Define time signature.

grade 4 week 4

Lesson Plan in Music

Grade 4

Week 4

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able:

A. To identify the different kinds of notes and rests and their time values.

B. To tap or clap the rhythmic patterns correctly.

C. To create a two-measure rhythmic pattern and tap them correctly with peers.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Notes and Rests

B. Materials:

B.1 Flashcards of the different notes and rests

B.2Chart of rhythmic patterns

B.3Drums with stick

B.4Visual Aids/Laptop

B.5 Lyrics of the song “Children’s Prayer” by Engelbert Humperdinck

C. Reference: Apilado Victonette, Paras Ma. Cecilia, Agno Francis

Philippine Copyright 2009

Shine with MAPE4

Jo-Es Publishing House, Inc.

#388 Mc Arthur Highway, Dalandanan, Valenzuela City

pp. 9-15

III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2 Learn and sing the song “Children’s Prayer” by rote.

A.3 Ask the pupils if they enjoy the song.

A.4 Tell the pupils that a piece of music is not only heard or felt it is also seen. Music is seen through music notation. Show them example of musical piece.

B. Interaction:

B.1 Tell them that:

- Music is represented by symbols.

- Today you will learn about the symbol for sound and silence.

- The symbol for sound is called a note. And there are different kinds of notes.

B.2 Tap the duration of the notes using duration diagram.

B.3 Tell them that the symbol for silence is called a rest. Show duration diagram using the rests.

C. Integration

C.1 Notes and Movements.The teacher will interpret the different kinds of notes through body movements. The pupils will follow.

C.2 The pupils will do the movements as the teacher is showing the flashcards of notes that they will interpret.

C.3Create rhythmic pattern using the notes. And lead the pupils in tapping the rhythmic patterns.

C.4 Create rhythmic patterns using notes and rests. And lead the pupils in tapping the rhythmic patterns.

D. Evaluation

Have the pupils tap the correct rhythmic patterns with their peers.


10 pts.- Student has mastered the expectation of consistently tapping the correct rhythmic patterns.

8 pts. – Student is achieving expectation with a good level of competency. He/She usually tap the correct rhythmic patterns.

7 pts. – Student is achieving expectation below grade level. He/She sometimes performs in tapping the pattern.

6 pts. – Student is experiencing difficulty. She/He rarely tap the correct rhythmic patterns.

No students will get below 5 pts for the effort.

E. Wrapping Up

E.1 Ask the pupils:

-What is a note? A rest?

-What are the different kinds of notes and rest?

F. Assignment

Define Meter

Grade 4 week 3n4

Lesson Plan in Music

Grade 4

Week 3 n 4

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:

A. To define rhythm.

B. To differentiate accented from unaccented beats..

C. To respond to the beat of the songs through body movements.

D. To value rhythm as the life of the music.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Rhythm

B. Materials:

B.1 Recordings of songs:

B.1.1Lupang Hinirang

B.1.2 Manang Biday

B.1.3 Leron Leron Sinta


B.3Pictures of season

B.4 Beater

B.5Visual Aids/Laptop

B.6 Lyrics of When the Saint’s go marching and we get together

C. Reference:

Shine with MAPE4 pp.3-8

III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2Learn and sing the song “When the Saints’ Go marching In”with appropriate action, responding to the proper flow of the beats.

A.3Ask the pupils how do they feel when they are marching?

B. Interaction:

B.1 Show the class the pictures of the seasons: the rising and setting of the sun, the movement in a dance and the tick-tock of the clock.

B.2 Discuss the regularity of the flow of time.Lead in the discussion of rhythm which is the ordered flow of music in time.

B.3 Allow the pupils to feel and experience rhythm through their bodies. Establish the flow of the beats through a beater. Continue tapping the beats. Let the pupils differentiate strong and weak beats by listening and feeling the beats.

B.4 .Show them the flow of the beats through stick notation.

C. Integration

C.1 Listening Exercise: Let the pupils listen to a recording and then respond to the flow of the beats through body movements.

C.2 Let them sing the song “The more we get together” and let them identify the strong and weak beats. Discuss with them the difference between strong and weak beats.

D. Evaluation

Have the pupils sing the songs learned in this lesson and respond to the beat through body movements. Consciously feel the strong and weak beats while singing.


10 pts.- Student has mastered the expectation of consistently moving in time with the beat.

8 pts. – Student is achieving expectation with a good level of competency. He/She usually moves in time with the beat.

7 pts. – Student is achieving expectation below grade level. He/She sometimes performs in time with the beat.

6 pts. – Student is experiencing difficulty.She/He rarely moves or performs in time with the beat.

No students will get below 5 pts for the effort.

E. Wrapping Up

E.1 Ask the pupils if they feel the beats in their bodies? What happens when the heartbeat stop?

E.2 Tell them: In the same manner, when there are no beats in music, there will be no music at all. Rhythm gives life to the music.

F. Assignment

What are the different kinds of notes and rests.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Grade 5 week 9 and 10

Lesson Plan in Music

Grade 5

Week 9 and 10

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able:

A. To perceive simple 3-1 relationship within a rhythmic pattern.

B. To show enthusiasm and interest when participating in a performance.

C. To perform rhythmic patterns with dotted notes.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Dotted Notes

B. Materials:

B.1 Flashcards of doted notes

B.2 Lyrics of Music Shall live by Unknown

B.3 Keyboards

C. Reference: Q. Jonathan, S. Nicanora, Y. Vanessa Lynne (2009)

Shine with MAPE5

Philippines: Jo-Es Publishing House, Inc.


III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2 Ask: do you know that sometimes in a certain song, you are asked to sound some words loner?

A.3 Sing the song “Music alone shall live, and find out the words that sound longer.

B. Interaction:

B.1 Let the class clap the beat of the song while singing.

B.2 Instruct the pupils to clap the rhythmic patterns.

B.3 Ask them to count and clap some rhythmic patterns using flashcards according to the time signatures.

B.4 Using the same pattern, you will clap in another way and instruct the pupils to echo clap.

C. Integration

C.1 Introduce to them tied notes and dotted notes.

C.2 Elicit from the pupils the values of dotted notes and tied notes with their equivalent note values.

C.3 Clap the dotted notes and say the rhythmic words.

D. Evaluation

Add the missing dotted note to complete the measures according to the given time signatures.






E. Wrapping Up

Tell them: Everything on earth has its end.There is one thing that does not perish and that is music.

Ask them: How can you make the notes sound longer?

What is the value of a dot beside the note?

F. Assignment

What are the different melodic directions?

Grade 5 week 8

Lesson Plan in Music

Intermediate Level

Week 7 and 8

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able:

A. To showcase their talents through musical presentation.

B. To have a musical performance with their classmates and with audiences.

C.To retain and enhance their own, individual love of music.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Musical Presentation

B. Materials:

B.1 Musical Instruments

B.2 Microphones

B.3 Rubrics for musical presentation

C. Reference:

III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2 Do’s and don’ts during the perfrromance.

B. Motivation:

B.1 Words of encouragement

B.2 The teacher will do a sample performance.

C. Musical Presentation

Performances of the students.

D. Evaluation

Rubrics for singing and playing of musical instruments:

Musicianship - expressive elements, interpretation, dynamics - 25 pts

Articulation and Diction- accuracy and fluency of attacks and releases (instrumental), accuracy of pronunciation and releases (vocal) – 25 pts.

Tone Quality - resonance, control, clarity, focus, consistency, warmth, breathing and support -25 pts.

Rhythm - accuracy of values, duration, pulse, steadiness, meter – 25 pts.

Rubrics for dancing:

Knowledge movement/choreography – 25 pts.

Ability to execute the movements. Correct placement of hands, feet, legs.

Rhythm/Tempo – 25 pts.

Ability to stay in time with the music

Shows Energy/Attitude – 25 pts.

Involvement in the emotion or mood dance. (e.g. connecting with music instead of going through the motions.

Creativity and interpretation – 25 pts.

Ability to incorporate creative costumes and music that goes in accordance with the theme selection.

E. Wrapping Up

Ask: Did you enjoy the performance?

What is your favorite performance?

Grade 5 week 6 and 7

Lesson Plan in Music

Grade 5

Week 6 and 7

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able:

A. To identify the rhythmic patterns used in the song.

B. To manifest self-discipline during the lesson by active participation.

C. To clap rhythmic patterns and say rhythmic syllables.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Notes and Rests Values

B. Materials:

B.1 Flashcards of notes and rests

B.2 Notes and rests

B.3Visual Aids/Laptop

C. Reference: Q. Jonathan, S. Nicanora, Y. Vanessa Lynne 2009

Shine with MAPE5

Philippines: Jo-Es Publishing House, Inc.


III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2 Have you wondered why sometimes you move your body when you hear music?.

A.3 Review beat and quarter note as the beat that receives one count.

B. Interaction:

B.1 Let the pupils sing the song “Follow the rhythm” and ask the pupils to clap the beat while singing.

B.2 Let them clap the rhythm of the words while singing.

B.3 Divide the class into two groups. Let one group clap the beat and the other group to do rhythmic patterns..

Ask: What happened to the movements of some beats?

What beats move faster?

B.5 Elicit from the students the different kinds of notes and rests and their values.

C. Integration

C.1 Let the pupils clap some rhythmic patterns using flashcards while saying the rhythmic words.




C.2 Let one group clap the beat while the other group the rhythmic pattern.

D. Evaluation

Add the missing note or rest to complete the measures according to the given time signature.






E. Wrapping Up

Ask them: What is a note? Rest?

Give example of notes and rests.

F. Assignment

What is the value of a dot on a dotted notes?

Grade 5 week 4

Lesson Plan in Music

Grade 5

Week 4

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able:

A. To identify the meter and time signatures of a certain composition.

B. To cooperate fully in classroom activity.

C. To listen to composition in duple, triple, and quadruple meters.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Meter and Time Signature

B. Materials:

B.1 Lyrics of the song “Come Let’s Dance” by Anonymous


B.3Visual Aids/Laptop

C. Reference: Quines Jonathan, Santiago Nicanora, Yance Vanessa Lynne

Philippine Copyright 2009

Shine with MAPE5

Jo-Es Publishing House, Inc.

#388 Mc Arthur Highway, Dalandanan, Valenzuela City


III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2 Ask the pupils who among them are good in singing.

A.3 Let them sing the song “Come Let’s Dance”.

B. Interaction:

B.1 Let the pupils clap the beat while singing.

B.2 Call a pupil to write the first sentence on the board and another another one to write the beats where they fall in each word.

B.3 Ask a pupil to put S or W where they can feel the strong and weak beats in the song.

B.4 Ask a pupil to put bar lines before the strong beats.

B.5 Review the meaning of “measures” in music.

Ask: How many beats are there in every measure?

What kind of note is the “Beat”?

What is the time signature?

B.6 Sing again “Like a King”. What is the meter and time signature?

C. Integration

C.1 Let the pupils sing the “Philippine National Anthem” and let them identify the meter and the time signature.

C.2 Let them conduct duple, triple, and quadruple meters.

D. Evaluation

Identify the meter of the following songs as duple, triple, or quadruple. Your teacher will clap the accented or strong beats.

_______________1. Leron , Leron Sinta

_______________2.I’ts a small world

_______________3. Atin Cu Pung Sing sing

_______________4. Philippine National Anthem

_______________5. One more gift

E. Wrapping Up

E.1 Ask the pupils if they can already execute conducting movements for duple, triple and quadruple meter.

E.2 Sing and conduct the following songs:

E.1.1 Lupang Hinirang

E.2.2 Cavite Hymn


F. Assignment

What are the different kinds of notes and rests?

Grade 6 week 3

Lesson Plan in Music

Grade 5

Week 3

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:

A. To identify the basic beats or pulse of a musical composition.

B. To enjoy performing the activity with discipline.

C. To tap, clap, or do actions on the beat.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Beat

B. Materials:

B.1 Recordings of song: Like a king



B.4 Drum

B.5Visual Aids/Laptop

C. Reference:

Shine with MAPE5 pp.3-5

III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2 Ask the students to mention things around them that move. Have them imitate the sound of the drum played by the teacher. Let them mention things that sound like the drum, the clock, and many more.

B. Interaction:

B.1 Let the class imitate the sound of a clock and say “TICK-TOCK”, while clapping. Teacher will call this as beat in music.Ask them to say “Beat,beat”, instead of “Tick-tock” while clapping or tapping. Inform them that all music have beats.

B.2 Listen to some more music and ask them to tap, clap, or snap the beats while listening.

B.3 Tell them to give examples of things that move with the beat (ex. Heartbeat, windshield wiper, etc.).

B.4 .Let them sing the song “Like a king”, and clap the beat while singing. Sing the song with action on the beat.

C. Integration

C.1 Beat Sentence: Ask a pupil to write the first sentence on the board and write the beats where they fall in each word. Let another pupil do the same thing on the 2nd line while the class sings and claps.

C.2Explain the beats may be strong or weak.

C.3 Suggest any combination of actions showing strong and weak beats.

Ex. Clap and snap, stomp and nod, etc.

C.4 Call a pupil to put SW where they can feel the strong and weak beats in the song.

Ex.Like a king that has come in our midst

/ / / / / / / / /


D. Evaluation

Sing the following songs and tap or clap the beat while singing.

1. Bahay Kubo

2. Happy Birthday

3. Philippine National Anthem

Performance rating (Self Evaluation)

Beat O VS S NI

1. Did you clap or clap the beats of the song well?

2. Did you sing the songs in correct pitch and rhythm?

3. Did you enjoy performing the songs in both singing and with body movements?


O –Outstanding

VS- Very Satisfactory

S- Satisfactory

NI- Needs Improvement

E. Wrapping Up

E.1 Ask the pupils if they feel the beats in their bodies? What happens when they tap or clap while singing?

E.2 Tell them: Beat is the steady movement in music.There is a regular recurrence of accented and unaccented beats.

F. Assignment

What are the different meter and time signatures? Give 3 examples.