Lesson Plan in Music
Grade 6
Week 5 and 6
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able :
A. To respond to the beat by clapping.
B. To notate rhythmic patterns by using dotted and tied notes and rests.
C. To identify visually the correct musical symbols.
II. Learning talk:
A. Topic: Rhythm
B. Materials:
B.1 Notation and lyrics of Mama don’t low American folk song
B.2 Keyboards
B.3 Notes and rests chart
C. Reference: Britanico Evan, Beltran Romina, Ambat Maila 2009
Shine with MAPE6
Philippines:Jo-Es Publishing House, Inc.
III. Teaching Strategies:
A. Introduction
A.1Daily Routines
A.2Let the pupils read the lyrics of the song Mama don’t low .
A.3 Teach the song by rote method.
B. Interaction:
B.1 The teacher will read a clip about rhythm.
Ask: What is the element of music that makes us move?
B.2 Show some pictures of the medieval time?
Ask: Do you think the song is appropriate during this era?
B.3 Ask a volunteer to sing a hip-hop song and tap the drum pattern on the table. Then call another pupil to sing the same song but this time,without tapping on the table.
Ask: Which example is more danceable? Why?
B.4 Discuss rhythm.
C. Integration
C.1 Teach the different hand gestures for every notes and rests.
C.2 Sing these common songs and respond to the beat by clapping their hands.
- Happy Birthday
- Leron leron Sinta
- Bahay Kubo
C.3 Notate the rhythmic patterns that the teacher will tap using the different notes and symbols.
D. Evaluation
Identify the following symbols by drawing the correct symbol.
1. quarter note 2. tie
3.sixttenth rest 4. half rest
5.whole note
E. Wrapping Up
E.1 Ask : How important is rhythm to music?
E.2 Tell them: that rhythm is the flow of music in time nd a series of beat pattern. It is responsible for the feeling of movement in music.
F. Assignment
What is a meter?
Give examples of meters?
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