Saturday, August 21, 2010

Grade 5 week 6 and 7

Lesson Plan in Music

Grade 5

Week 6 and 7

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able:

A. To identify the rhythmic patterns used in the song.

B. To manifest self-discipline during the lesson by active participation.

C. To clap rhythmic patterns and say rhythmic syllables.

II. Learning talk:

A. Topic: Notes and Rests Values

B. Materials:

B.1 Flashcards of notes and rests

B.2 Notes and rests

B.3Visual Aids/Laptop

C. Reference: Q. Jonathan, S. Nicanora, Y. Vanessa Lynne 2009

Shine with MAPE5

Philippines: Jo-Es Publishing House, Inc.


III. Teaching Strategies:

A. Introduction

A.1Daily Routines



A.2 Have you wondered why sometimes you move your body when you hear music?.

A.3 Review beat and quarter note as the beat that receives one count.

B. Interaction:

B.1 Let the pupils sing the song “Follow the rhythm” and ask the pupils to clap the beat while singing.

B.2 Let them clap the rhythm of the words while singing.

B.3 Divide the class into two groups. Let one group clap the beat and the other group to do rhythmic patterns..

Ask: What happened to the movements of some beats?

What beats move faster?

B.5 Elicit from the students the different kinds of notes and rests and their values.

C. Integration

C.1 Let the pupils clap some rhythmic patterns using flashcards while saying the rhythmic words.




C.2 Let one group clap the beat while the other group the rhythmic pattern.

D. Evaluation

Add the missing note or rest to complete the measures according to the given time signature.






E. Wrapping Up

Ask them: What is a note? Rest?

Give example of notes and rests.

F. Assignment

What is the value of a dot on a dotted notes?

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